This is part 3 of my series on leadership. In this post and the previous I have been sharing what I’ve learned from several books including Simon Sinek’s Start With Why, Dan Pink’s Drive, and Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers. Click to read part 1 or part 2. My journey in leadership has been a meandering path […]
This is part two of series on leadership that coincides with a course I am taking at Kendall College of Art and Design. Click here to read part one. Autonomy and trust. These are the two major themes that stuck out to me this week in my readings. I believe both of these ideas are […]
Simon Sinek says in his book Start with Why that, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” In my own personal development, as a person in general, and especially as a leader, I’ve been searching for my why. Having a why is so important. Daniel Pink wrote in his book […]
I had the opportunity to attend the first day of the Global Leadership Summit this year, and it was quite incredible. It was my first year attending the event at the Kentwood Community Church host site. I came expecting to learn a few things and left with a lot of inspiration. I would like to […]
This year I set a goal to ride my bike to work more often. During the month of May, National Bike Month, I rode to work 5 times, equaling over 125 miles on the bike. I drive a pretty fuel efficient car, but I still was able to save almost $12 in gas. But this […]
High performance teams in the corporate world are rare. Even more so when working for a public sector or non-profit organization. In my work experience a team’s ability to collaborate had a huge impact on the team’s level of performance. Where there was a culture of individual, and even competitive performance within a team, production […]
They will fight you, but they will fail, For I am with you, and I will take care of you. I, the Lord, have spoken! –Jeremiah 1:19 The power of God is so easily forgotten in our tangible world. Ever since I was a kid I have struggled with being bashful and timid. I hated […] just wrote a refreshingly honest article about a phenomenon where amateur cyclists and thus corporate sponsors are still ardently endorsing confessed dopers like Levi Leipheimer. After reading CrankPunk’s Gran Fondos & Dopers do you think it is still ethical for us as both fans and participants in the sport of cycling to support these riders […]
The temperatures are dropping and the nights are entreating on the days. The wind is blowing and the sun retreating. Winter is upon us and the Neverwinter Nights are gone. Winter for me, especially during my child hood was filled with adventures into the virtual worlds of video games. Of course I still braved the […]
Armstrong’s continuing his grand apology tour. He recently met with his former soigneur Emma O’Riley, who was one of the firsts to speak out about doping on the USPS Team. Much to my surprise she’s actually upset about Armstrong being the face of this doping war. And despite all the harm Armstrong has done to […]
A few months ago my wife Annika and I had the chance to go see Jack Johnson live in concert at the Chicago Theater. Aside from a few minor annoyances in the crowd, it was the best concert experience I have ever had. Jack’s stage presence and accessibility to the fans was just incredible. It […]
Tomorrow is a day to recognize the sacrifice and dedication our veterans of the U.S. Military have made. Their sacrifice and the cost of their service is unquantifiable, but a token of thanks goes along way to show our veterans how much we appreciate what they have done to ensure we not only have the […]